It is in the bout of anxious feelings that this post is written. It is written with you, the reader in mind. See, back when this blog first started it was with the struggle of composing the words and feelings swirling around within me into coherent, encouraging sentences, paragraphs, and posts that would one day be read by another. However, I lacked the confidence to put myself out there and the humility to put myself out there honestly. So I have been avoiding this little piece of blogosphere... until now. It has been calling out to me, reminding me of this place that was created for growth, growth that is needed and good.
My hope for this blog is that it would be a soft place for me to land. To stretch my fledgling creative wings - whether that be cooking, writing, photography, or whatever else inspires me - and to document the sweet moments in life. Heck, I think even the challenging moments deserve some reflection and documentation too. It is in the challenging moments of life where I am refined, sloughing off the sins I hold on to, releasing the burdens to the One who can carry them. These are the moments that surely deserve some documentation because this is where the victories are won.
The internet surely does not need another cooking/photography/healthy living/fill-in-the-blank blog. There are many out there, some of which I enjoy. I am sure I have nothing fresh to offer that has not been said, done, or created. However, the desire to stretch is there, waiting to be fulfilled. So see, this blog is for me. Someday, I want to look back on these posts and have memories flood back to me, reminders of blessings, grace, and love. Maybe someday my children will visit it. But if you, a family member or friend or stranger, happen to cross this path I hope you find encouragement and love.
So glad to see you back here friend!